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This E-Portfolio, will display all of the work that has been conducted in the Scopes and Methods for Social Science class throughout this semester. It will include things like the weekly reflections, the survey that was conducted along with the analysis of the results. As well as the interview podcast that was recently conducted.

Reflective Essay

When enrolling in this course, I did not know what to expect from a Scopes and Methods for Social Science class, and after completing it, however, I am glad to say that through this course I have learned new research methods and deepened my knowledge of the ones I already had some experience with. Throughout this course, I have gained a greater understanding of how to effectively analyse and interpret data in social science research, more specifically by looking at methods such as interviews, questionnaires, discourse analysis, and case studies.


During the first week of classes, we looked at research design by looking at questions, methods, and their strengths and limitations. This concept was explained to us by looking at an outline of an honours thesis research proposal. It was very helpful to see things such as what the proposal's thesis is, what methods would be used, what sources are being referenced, and other things, as everything is clearly stated. Personally, it made the idea of writing a research proposal less intimidating, as each step that would be needed is stated, which ensures that nothing vital is forgotten.


For the next couple of weeks, we delved into surveys, and more specifically, questionnaires, sampling, and inferences. We looked at the limitations of surveys, such as response bias and sampling errors, and discussed strategies for minimising these issues. Additionally, we learned about the importance of designing clear and unbiased questions to ensure reliable data collection. The honour council survey was used as an example, and as a class, we recognised what aspects were not necessarily clear or created confusion and suggested new questions or a rewording of some questions. This was an interesting task, as it was the first time that I was asked to look at a survey through this lens. It was also a very useful task, as it taught us to interpret data more critically and consider the impact of wording on responses. Overall, this activity helped us understand the importance of thoughtful survey design in obtaining accurate and meaningful data.


While looking at surveys, we also analysed the data that we received after distributing the improved survey. My group and I looked at question nine, which discussed professors' attitudes towards the use of AI. We first distinguished between the responses of the GUQ and non-GUQ students, and then we distinguished between them according to their class years. There were some very clear patterns, such as the majority of students, regardless of which university they attend or what their class year is, agree that most professors look at AI in a negative light. After also distinguishing the qualitative data and the quantitative data, we analysed them together to see if there were any common themes or insights that emerged.


During weeks six to nine, we covered interviews and ethnography. It was my first time being introduced to the concept of ethnography. Through the lectures and the research tasks that we conducted,the first one included interviews with two teachers, where they discussed how living in Qatar is as an expat, and for the other research task, we conducted ethnographic research. The first task helped me gain an understanding of how expats view Qatar. The responses we got were also very surprising, considering that both interviewees view Qatar as their home. As for the ethnographic research task, we chose Souq Waqif as our setting. It was interesting to view a place that I have been to countless times in a different way. We observed the interactions between locals and expats, as well as the cultural exchanges that took place at Souq Waqif. I am very glad to have had this experience, as it allowed me to view settings and interactions through a new lens.


In the final few weeks, we looked at discourse analysis and case studies. Through this, I have learned that discourse analysis looks at the way language is used to construct meaning and shape social interactions. It was fascinating to apply this concept to real-life situations and see how power dynamics and social hierarchies play out through language. I was also introduced to the concept of epistemology, which I found very exciting. This is because it challenged my understanding of how knowledge is created and validated, prompting me to question the sources and foundations of my own beliefs. Overall, this course has broadened my perspective and deepened my critical thinking skills in ways I never expected.


Through the Scopes and Methods for Social Science class, I have also gained a new skill, which is creating an e-portfolio. Prior to this course, I did not expect to create anything even slightly similar to an e-portfolio, frankly, because I have no interest in personally creating a digital platform, as I believed that it would be incredibily challenging. And it was. At the very beginning, I would say that I found this assignment to be the most challenging one I have faced throughout this course. I had trouble with what colour scheme I would follow, how I would organise my pages, and what to include in each page. However, as I spent more time working on my e-portfolio and seeking feedback from my peers, I began to see it as an opportunity for creativity and self-expression. I experimented with different layouts, fonts, and images to make my e-portfolio unique and engaging. In the end, I was proud of the final product and surprised myself with what I was able to create. This experience has shown me that stepping out of my comfort zone and trying new things can lead to personal growth and the development of new skills.


Another area in which I struggled in this course was participation. I was often hesitant to speak up in class, whereas in group discussions, I was able to speak freely and comfortably. And although I did not have many things to say in class, I believe that I expressed my thoughts and opinions through the mandatory weekly reflections. Overall, I acknowledge the lack of participation on my part and understand that it is something I need to work on in the future. However, I am proud of the progress I have made in stepping out of my comfort zone and taking on challenges that I may have shied away from in the past. It has been a valuable learning experience that has taught me the importance of pushing myself to grow and develop, even in areas where I may feel unsure or hesitant. I look forward to continuing to challenge myself and improve in all aspects of my academic and personal growth.

An assignment I also struggled with at the beginning was the research proposal. I found it very overwelhming to pick a topic to discuss that would best showcase my knowledge and research, as well as one that would align with the criteria I need to follow. I chose to look at the impact that the Cold War has left on modern world politics. I went ahead with this topic as it is something that interests me, especially the shift from a multipolar world to one that is unipolar; therefore, I found it engaging. One of the things that I struggled with was the fact that I felt intimidated by the idea of creating a research proposal, mainly due to the fact that it was a new experience for me, so the process was a bit daunting at first. However, as I delved deeper into the topic and began conducting research, I started to feel more confident in my abilities. The examples that were available for us also played a huge part in helping me understand the structure and components that were expected of me. 


Overall, this course has been one that has definitely left an impact on me personally and academically. I have been introduced to new concepts that will, for sure, be useful in my future endeavours. I am so incredibly grateful for the opportunity to expand my knowledge and skills, and I am excited to see how these lessons will shape my future. I am proud of the progress I have made so far, and I am motivated to keep pushing myself to reach new heights. This course has truly been a transformative experience that I will carry with me for years to come.

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